Teeth Whitening and Invisalign Before Porcelain Veneers?
I told my dentist I wanted to get a smile makeover and he told me he was recently certified to place porcelain veneers using Lumineers and would be happy to do them. However, he’s also suggesting two other procedures first. One is teeth whitening and the other is Invisalign for a slightly crooked tooth. I’m new at this, so didn’t know if this was standard operating procedure or if any […]
Read MoreWhat Can I Do If Dentures Won’t Stay in Anymore?
I’m over 60 and have had dentures for a bunch of years. I’ve been having trouble keeping them in. I did notice my ridge is almost gone which I’m guessing is why I can’t keep them in anymore. Is there anything I can put under them which will make a ridge again? Evelyn Dear Evelyn, You are right that the ridge in your jawbone is why your dentures won’t stay […]
Read MoreNeurological Problems with Dental Implants?
I am considering getting dental implants, but have heard that those based on a titanium implant can cause neurological problems because of metal being used in the body. Yet, most dentists prefer to use titanium, even though there are zirconia implants available. Is there a reason for this? Karl M. Dear Karl, There hasn’t been any research, that I am aware of, which indicates the titanium from dental implants causes […]
Read MoreCan I get Lumineers if I have straight teeth?
I like the shape of my teeth, but my enamel is damaged and can never be white again. When I was a pre-teenager I had a serious medical issue, and my teeth were damaged from the medication I received while I was hospitalized. Can I get Lumineers that look just like my teeth but are white and don’t have marks in the enamel? – Javier Javier – Although Lumineers is […]
Read MoreThis Woman Needs a Different Dentist…Pronto!
I need some advice. I have trouble with a couple of teeth. It started as cavities, but now I need crowns. I need to get a third one crowned, but my dentist said, the teeth have been so much trouble why don’t I just extract them and get a couple of dental implants. He just learned the procedure and said he’d do it at a discount because he’s new to […]
Read MoreIf I get porcelain veneers will they last my whole life or should I get braces?
My front teeth are crooked. I also want them to be whiter. Crest strips are a joke on my teeth. So I am thinking about porcelain veneers to give me straighter and whiter teeth. I know they are not cheap so I am wondering, at my age (23) if they will last my whole life, or will have to keep getting new ones? If they won’t last my whole life […]
Read MoreWill teeth whitening make my brown teeth lighter?
I’m wondering if teeth whitening will lighten 3 of my top front teeth that are brown. They are really ugly, so I make sure I don’t show my teeth when I smile. I used to think the teeth were rotten, but they haven’t gotten worse and they don’t hurt. I’m not sure what’s wrong with then. I am wondering if I can use teeth whitening on them to at least […]
Read MoreLumineers Versus DuraThin
I’m planning on getting a smile makeover but can’t seem to decide between DuraThin and Lumineers. I like the look of the Durathin better than the Lumineers, but didn’t know if there was a significant cost difference. I might be willing to swing my vote based on that. Andy Dear Andy, It’s not the brand of porcelain veneers that’s important I’m hoping to change the way you look at this […]
Read MoreStaining Around 1-Year-Old Porcelain Veneers
I’ve had my smile makeover for about a year. Most of them look fine, but on three of them they’re stained at the top. What does this mean? Are they faulty? Brooke Dear Brooke, Bear in mind I haven’t actually seen your porcelain veneers. However, based on what you’ve said, my suspicion is you have what is called bulky margins. When your dentist bonds your porcelain veneers, they should be […]
Read MoreDo Amalgam Fillings Stain Teeth?
I want to remove a couple of amalgam fillings on my back teeth but my dentist insists it won’t help their appearance to look white because amalgam stains teeth. If that’s true, is there any way to make them look more attractive? Hardly anyone has a smile filled with silver anymore and I feel like it makes me look bad. I have a big smile and you can see my […]
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