
before and after mercury-free fillings

Can I Lie About an Allergy?

My dentist insists that my silver fillings are fine and that all the fuss over them is overblown. I want to switch them out for the white ones. He’s so resistant that I’m frustrated. What if I just told him I’ve developed an allergy to the materials? Would he be able to tell I’m lying? Miranda Dear Miranda, I’m not going to recommend this idea for three reasons. First, it’s […]

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Can My Teeth Match My White Spots?

My two front teeth have had white spots on the bottom half of them my entire life. I like that whiteness but want to make the rest of my teeth match. I know if I just get teeth whitening, that it will whiten everything, even the white parts. Is it possible to whiten everything EXCEPT my two front teeth? Casey Dear Casey, Yes, it is possible to whiten all your […]

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Who Should Extract My Teeth for Dentures?

I have absolutely horrible teeth. Most are broken. Some are missing. Now, I have another cavity that seems to be getting infected. When this quarantine is over I’m going to be finished with them. I want to have them all extracted and get dentures. Do I go to a dentist for that or an oral surgeon? Ben Dear Ben, Before I address your question, I want to make sure you […]

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dental implant illustration

Will My Gum Drop Down with My Dental Implant?

I had a dental implant placed on a tooth which is visible when I smile. The gum for that tooth is higher than the rest of my gums. To me, that looks weird. My dentist suggested I get a temporary crown to see if the gum will drop down on its own. We did that, but I don’t like how the temporary crown looks. Should I get a cosmetic dentist […]

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Woman smiling in the dental chair with her dentist behind her

Finding a Good Cosmetic Dentist

I need some advice from someone not in my area so it will be an unbiased opinion. I want to get porcelain veneers and teeth whitening done. Every dentist in my area claims to be a cosmetic dentist. Is there some way of knowing who does good cosmetic work and who doesn’t? Peter Dear Peter, This is an important question. Patients who haven’t thought to ask this are usually the […]

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A porcelain veneer being placed

Looking for a Cheap Way to Fix Tetracycline Stains

I have tetracycline stains I want to fix. I think I want to get porcelain veneers, but wondered if they will cover the whole tooth or just the front. I don’t have a lot of money. Do you think I could get a discount if I went to a dental school to have them done? Bruce Dear Bruce, Porcelain veneers only cover the front of the teeth in most situations. […]

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Why Do Dentures Get Bigger Over the Years

I’ve had dentures for quite a few years now and it seems like the longer I have them the bigger they get. Do dentures stretch out? If so, is there a way to get them back to their original size? Sandee B. Dear Sandee, It’s not your denture that is stretching. In reality, as frightening as it may sound, it is your jawbone that is shrinking. When your teeth were […]

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before and after case by Dr. Newkirk

Your Arrogance

I was very annoyed with the fact you had the arrogance to tell one of my patients I wasn’t a qualified cosmetic dentist and their Lumineers need to be redone. You told her that the bonding isn’t correct and it will ruin her teeth. Who are you to say if I’m a qualified cosmetic dentist or not? It isn’t even a recognized specialty. Name Withheld Dear Anonymous Dentist, I won’t […]

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Solution for Tetracycline Stains

I have had tetracycline stains for as long as I can remember. I am ready to do something about it. I wanted to whiten my teeth, but my dentist insists that won’t make any difference. Instead, he wants to do dental crowns, but I’m not thrilled with that. Even though my smile is ugly, my teeth are perfectly healthy. I’ve only had one cavity in my entire life. Why won’t […]

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A porcelain veneer being placed

Lumineers for Tetracycline Stains

I went to a cosmetic dentist to get porcelain veneers for tetracycline stains. He said if I got porcelain veneers they would have to grind my teeth down. Instead, he suggested I get Lumineers. Will those work for me or do I need something else? I want a smile I can be proud of. I’ve spent years hiding my teeth. Katie Dear Katie, I am going to implore you to […]

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