Home/Mercury-free Dentist

before and after mercury-free fillings

Can I Lie About an Allergy?

My dentist insists that my silver fillings are fine and that all the fuss over them is overblown. I want to switch them out for the white ones. He’s so resistant that I’m frustrated. What if I just told him I’ve developed an allergy to the materials? Would he be able to tell I’m lying? Miranda Dear Miranda, I’m not going to recommend this idea for three reasons. First, it’s […]

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before and after mercury-free fillings

Problem with Amalgam Fillings

I had to get a dental filling. It was my first one. I’ve been with the same dentist for years, since I was a child actually. He still does those amalgam fillings. I’d asked for a white filling, but he said they’re not a good idea on back teeth. I’m wondering if I could be allergic to the filling. Ever since I had the filling placed, my cheek has been […]

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before and after mercury-free fillings

Do I Need a Cosmetic Dentist for White Fillings?

I go to a decent family dentist. However, he’s more of a bread and butter type practice—function over form. I’ve been considering getting rid of my silver fillings for the mercury-free white fillings. My dentist says they’re perfectly safe, but I have my doubts. Even if I’m wrong, it will give me peace of mind to get rid of them. Will I need to switch to a cosmetic dentist for […]

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before and after mercury-free fillings

Do Amalgam Fillings Stain Teeth?

I want to remove a couple of amalgam fillings on my back teeth but my dentist insists it won’t help their appearance to look white because amalgam stains teeth. If that’s true, is there any way to make them look more attractive? Hardly anyone has a smile filled with silver anymore and I feel like it makes me look bad. I have a big smile and you can see my […]

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before and after mercury-free fillings

Can I Get Porcelain Veneers with Silver Fillings?

I have a mouth full of silver. I want to get porcelain veneers, but my dentist said he doesn’t recommend it with silver fillings. Can I remove them and then get the veneers? Lisa Dear Lisa, The only reason you might want to change out your fillings in order to get porcelain veneers is if the fillings are visible when you smile. Without that, there’s absolutely no technical reason to […]

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before and after mercury-free fillings

Allergic to Fillings

I had my first filling a few months ago. My insurance only covered silver fillings so I went ahead and got those. Ever since, I haven’t felt right and my tongue has been itchy. I think I’m allergic to the filling. Have you heard of this? My dentist doesn’t think that’s the problem. Catie Dear Catie, If you’ve eliminated other possibilities then it could very well be your fillings. Some […]

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before and after mercury-free fillings

Why is Mercury-free Dentistry the Big Thing Now?

All I’m ever hearing about these days is “You must go to a mercury-free dentist.” Is this the new healthcare fads? Is it really as important as everyone is saying? Ben Dear Ben, Rather than a fad, I think of it more as a greater awareness. Until recently, most people didn’t realize the main ingredient in their silver fillings was mercury. Now they do. As mercury is a known toxin, […]

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Image of mercury-free composite filings

I Want My Silver Fillings OUT!

I’ve had silver fillings for years. Yes, they’ve served me well. But, at the time I got them it was our only option. These days, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren are all getting white fillings. I want those. My silver fillings have always conducted heat, which with my mouthful of metal can be uncomfortable. My dentist, who is close to my age, said he’s not that interested in removing something that’s […]

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Image of mercury-free composite filings

Nephew Still Getting Mercury Fillings in Violation of Treaty

Can you help me understand this? I read on a natural news site a couple of years ago that the US signed a treaty agreeing to phase out the use of mercury. People were having to petition the FDA because no one was taking any action. Yet, today, my sister tells me that her pediatric dentist wants to place a mercury filled filling on her son. Haven’t we dealt with […]

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Beautiful brunette smiling with gorgeous white teeth

Can Amalgam Fillings Give Me High Blood Pressure?

I was shocked at my last doctor’s appointment to discover I have high blood pressure. This has never happened to me before. I’m healthy. I’m active. I eat right. I don’t have any family history of high blood pressure. Yet, my doctor still wants to put me on medicine to control it. I told him I’d like to wait a bit and decided to do some research. I’ve read there […]

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