Can Amalgam Fillings Give Me High Blood Pressure?
I was shocked at my last doctor’s appointment to discover I have high blood pressure. This has never happened to me before. I’m healthy. I’m active. I eat right. I don’t have any family history of high blood pressure. Yet, my doctor still wants to put me on medicine to control it. I told him I’d like to wait a bit and decided to do some research. I’ve read there […]
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Will Lumineers Look Fake?
I’m dying to get a smile makeover. I mentioned Lumineers to my dentist because I’d seen them advertised and they looked like they can completely change my smile. But, my dentist said people can tell when you’re wearing them and I should get crowns instead because they cover the whole tooth. I’m a tad bit concerned about that. It seems like I’d be destroying healthy tooth structure to do that. […]
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Can I Custsomize My Smile?
I’m about to be in a very visible position which requires public trust. I need to improve my smile, but I’m afraid if it is too “perfect” I won’t seem trustworthy. I want a pretty smile, but not a Hollywood smile, if that makes any sense. Is it possible to customize a smile this way? Felicia D. Dear Felicia, This is exactly what porcelain veneers are designed to do. With […]
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My Crown Was Whiter Than My Teeth Now It’s the Other Way Around
I have a dental crown. For the last few years, it’s been whiter than my teeth. I drink a lot of coffee, so the natural assumption is the coffee’s been staining my teeth, but not the crown. I decided to whiten my teeth. It worked. My teeth look much whiter and brighter now. The problem is they’re whiter than the crown now. My dentist thinks everything looks fine, but said […]
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Do Poor People Have to Have Ugly Teeth?
I’m losing all my teeth. I know it’s my own fault and I don’t need a lecture. I’m already facing the consequences to my actions. I just need to know if I’m destined to be ugly for the rest of my life. My dentist wants me to get dental implants. He says they look and feel just like normal teeth. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford those even if I had a […]
Read MoreShould My Dentist Have Told Me About My Gum Disease Before Giving Me Implants?
I’m wondering if my dentist is at fault about my dental implant failure and I can get my money back? I got three dental implants. It was a lot of work and money. They failed in just a few months. My dentist said that happens sometimes and they don’t know why. He asked me if I wanted to do it again. I told him I needed to think about it. […]
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Want to “Wow” People with My Smile
I’ve lost over 100 pounds. I feel better than I have in my entire life. I’m starting to feel attractive as well. I want to go all the way with this. I’ve been keeping up with my workout routine. I’ve gotten a new hairstyle, and now I want to take it one step further. I hear that celebrities get cosmetic dentistry all the time, which makes sense. There can’t be […]
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Is a Mercury-free Dentist Absolutely Necessary to Remove One Filling?
I keep reading that it’s important to replace your old silver fillings, which are loaded with mercury, with a white filling. I also hear you need to use a mercury-free dentist to do it. Is that really necessary? I only have one filling. I’ve had it for about 2o years. Cyndy L. – Brooklyn Cyndy, There is some controversy surrounding the whole amalgam versus composite fillings. Here’s the problem. The […]
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My Dentist Refuses to Give Me Lumineers
I’ve done a lot of research about smile makeovers and decided I wanted to get Lumineers. I especially like the fact my teeth wouldn’t have to be ground down. My dentist said no. Can you believe that? In fact, he said he’ll only place traditional porcelain veneers. I’m annoyed enough I’m considering switching dentists. They’re my teeth, shouldn’t I decide what I do with them? Dania K. – Ft. Worth, […]
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Why Are the Top of My Porcelain Veneers Dark?
I had a porcelain veneer placed on a tooth that had a large chip. It looked great when I got it about six months ago, but recently it’s become dark at the top, near the gumline. I don’t know if it means there’s a problem, but it makes me embarrassed to smile. Can anything be done about it? Stanley L. – Burbank, CA Stanley, There are three possibilities that come […]
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