Affordable smile makeover
I really need to re-do my smile. I’m too embarrassed to smile. I just don’t have much money. Right now I only have about $1000. I know that’s not enough. Any ideas to get something affordable that will make a big difference until I can save up for porcelain veneers? Rhonda B. – Baltimore Rhonda, If you’re short on funds, the absolute best thing you can do first is to […]
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Corner of mouth cracking
My aunt got dentures and ever since then, I’ve noticed the corners of her mouth cracking. Is this related? If so, what can be done about it? Maisie M. – Houston, TX Maisie, I’m glad you’re there to look after your aunt. There are many reasons for this to happen. It is “officially” known as Angular Chelitis. Despite their being many possible reasons for it, If this has coincided with […]
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Dentist said there isn’t enough room for dental implants
Years ago, I lost a tooth. I didn’t replace it because it wasn’t very visible and I was quite poor then. Now my situation is different. I have money. I lost an adjacent tooth and want to replace both of them. My dentist said there isn’t enough room and he needs to do a bridge. The other teeth are fine, so I really don’t want to grind them down. This […]
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What if my dentist left tooth roots?
I had two teeth extracted. I’d planned on getting dental implants. However, last night I noticed that one of the roots is still there. Can I still get dental implants with the root there? Elaine T. – New Mexico Elaine, Are you certain it is the root of the tooth and not just some debris that needs to be cleaned out? There are occasions when a tooth root is left, […]
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